Monday 3 November 2014

Modern Wargaming 28mm Why not ?

As a youngster i looked at modern wargaming and wanted to try it, but back them the world of warhammer with its space marines and dragons, was a bit more sparkly, but we now are in a new age, the minis available in modern wargaming, are up to date,big thanks to empress, and the tanks and technology, are pretty much scifi in some of their abilities.

lets look at empress here, these guys have arose their modern range much thanks to their kickstarter campaign.

look at these guys !!!

pretty darn scifi if you ask me in some regards, and more exciting in feel than say a 9 foot space marine... these guys can rope down buildings, set demolition charges and bug eyed night vision to boot.

Another advantage of modern is the rule sets, their evolved there more skirmish like often, and have more realism and battle field effects rather than being sets of rules based on Napoleonics with laser guns...

and what about vehicles !!!!

Now that is a Vehicle !!! and trust me this thing is Huge !!! would make a APC from 40,000 years in the future seem pathetic !!!

in 28 mm the range is expanding fast with companies like Spectre ( )coming on the scene thanks to their great kickstarter, they show that not all battles happen out in the dust of Afghanistan... planet earth is a very interesting melting pot of wars and possibilities,, some times the truth is more scary than a scfi horror movie...

So are you interested in Modern wargaming ? whats stopping you or holding you back ?

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